Thursday, June 13, 2024

New Look

We are a work in progress.  Our buttons on the left side now lead to many interesting things!  I am getting historical items loaded.  Check back often. Scroll through the posts here on the home page, or click the tab links on the left side for more.  Or open the Table of Contents (left side) to go directly to articles that interest you.

If you have any items you would like posted or archived, please send them to:, or call for instructions and assistance (262) 498-7268.


Treasurer Information

Our State Treasurer, Marlea Steiner has sent this directly to all Chapter Treasurers, and it describes changes to the end-of-year Cash Flow Report (formerly C-1).  This will be the last year we can send it in the snail mail, and also the last year we can deliver it to Marlea.  Starting next year it must be uploaded to the International website

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Zeta has Been Busy!

 Here are the Zeta girls working together on two altruistic projects. This is their Jammies in January (2024).  These pajamas were collected for Women and Children's Horizons.

This next one shows their June 2022 picnic, making "period packs" for Urban Outreach.

They enjoyed fellowship and brunch together at their annual holiday gathering in December 2023.