
 Please Note: Our website is not password-protected, so when you need contact information for any of the members, please visit the International website, sign in, click on "Members Only," and then scroll down to "Directory."  Thank you.

The archived newsletters are sorted by biennium here, so if you know the year or the state president at the time, you can click on the title and they will open up.  

But each newsletter has also been posted individually on the home page, which is handy, because the content is searchable there.  So if you don't know which biennium or which president, try the search bar for the topic you are trying to find.

2024-2026 Biennium Newsletters (Joanne Loy, President)

2022-2024 Biennium Newsletters (Theresa Ness, President) 

2020-2022 Biennium Newsletters (Sonya Stevens)