Spotlight on Tau

Spotlight on Tau



Chapter:    WI  Tau            Biennium Dates 2022-2024

Chapter Theme:   none

Chapter Officers:

  • President:  Kim Gloede
  • Co-Presidents-Elect:  Janis Lemke and Robin Barnes
  • Secretary:  Linda Lehrmann, 2023-24 (Joan Brown did 2023-24)
  • Treasurer:  Jane Brosseau
  • Historian:  (Kim, informally)
  • Chaplain:  Sara Perkins

Chapter Committees:

  • Alpha Delta Kappa Month:  Robin, Janis, Lynn, Susan 
  • Altruistic:  Karen, Terri, Robin, Janis
  • Budget:  Jane, Kim, Janis, Robin, Susan
  • Bylaws/Policy/Procedures:  Margaret (Bylaws), Linda (Handbook)
  • Fraternity Education:  Linda
  • Grant Writing: Robin
  • Membership:  Susan
  • Programs: Janis, Robin, Lynn, Susan
  • Publicity: Char
  • Sunshine: Lynn 
  • Ways and Means: Jane, Kim
  • Website: Kim, Terri

Members serving in leadership (officers or committees) outside of the chapter level:  none this biennium

Initiations (all on June 10, 2024):

  • Anne Cafferty,
  • Eileen Eickner,
  • Mary Host

Omega  (none this biennium)

Alpha Delta Kappa - Tau Chapter Programs for 2022-2023
Sept 10:
  • Organizational meeting
  • Altruistic Donation: Money for new Maker-Space at Jerstad Middle School

Oct. 29:
  • Founders' Day Luncheon
  • Racine Public Library brand-new Community Room
  • Speaker: Angela Zimmerman, Director
  • Altruistic Donation: Money for the library
Nov. 12:
  • Cops 'n' Kids After School Program
  • Speaker: Julia Witherspoon
  • Altruistic Donation:  Books

Dec. 10:
Holiday Luncheon and Auction

Jan. 18:
  • New Membership Open House held in the Horlick H.S. Library
  • Slide Show for potential new members (3 joined!)

  • Food provided by the Culinary Arts Academy
Feb. 9:
  • Service Project: Harmony Club day program for seniors
  • Altruistic Donation: lunch and craft supplies
Mar. 11: 
  • Program: Kiwanis Club
  • Speaker: Marybeth Zuhlke
  • Altruistic Donation: travel size toothpaste for Peace Learning Circles children's activity 
April 28-29:
Tau members attended WI State Conference in Kenosha (Zeta)

May 19:
  • Field Trip to Shepherd's College in Union Grove
  • Lunch together at a local restaurant
  • Altruistic Donation: Money for the college

June 3:
  • Initiation of 3 new members
  • End-of-year Brunch and celebration

Alpha Delta Kappa - Tau Chapter Programs for 2023-2024
Sept. 9: 
  • Organizational meeting
  • Altruistic Donation: Birthday Bags for the food pantries

Oct. 14: 
  • Founders' Day Luncheon (We hosted Zeta and the Sustaining Sisters of southeastern Wisconsin.) 
  • Speaker: Judge Kristin Cafferty on Family Court issues
  • Altruistic Donation: Board Books for babies and toddlers, and picture books

Nov. 11: 
  • Speaker: Holly Anderle of HALO Homeless Shelter
  • Altruistic Donation: Holiday Decorations giveaway at the food pantry

Dec. 9:  
Holiday Luncheon and Auction (We hosted Zeta and the Sustaining Sisters.) 
Work Day making Hygiene Bags for the food pantries

Feb. 10: 
Racine Cop House speaker on community policing
Mar. 9:  
  • Racine Alternative Learning programs (R.A.L.)
  • Speaker:Andre Bennett, Director
  • We ended up loving these programs and adopting R.A.L. as our ongoing focused project for the 2024-2026 biennium. 
  • Altruistic Donation: Cookies for Wisconsin Staff Appreciation Week 

Mar. 4:

Service Project: Empty Bowls city-wide event

Apr. 13:

  • Personal Growth Program: Hanging Basket Planters
  • Speaker: Jerry Nelson
  • Altruistic Donation: Monetary donation for the church where we meet

May 11:

  • Speaker: Beth Heidorn, Director of the Racine Zoo
  • Installation of new Tau officers

Chapter Altruistic Projects: (No specific theme for the biennium)
Numerous donations to the following, both monetary, non-monetary, and volunteer time:
1. Money for books for Judge Cafferty's youth offenders project
2. Cleaning supplies for H.A.L.O. Homeless Shelter
3. Hygiene bags for Homeless shelter and Veterans Outreach (each including toothbrush, full-size toothpaste, soap, washcloth, and deodorant,
4. Birthday Bags - gift bag containing cake mix, frosting, plates, cups and napkins (and any extras a sister wishes to include such as decorations, party favors, etc.) to be given out at the Food Pantry for any family with a child having a birthday coming up
(Note: the Hygiene Bags and Birthday Bags have become on-going projects and many chapter members bring one or two of these to each meeting.)
5. Meal prepared and served, plus craft project for Harmony Club (Senior Day Care)
6. Specific items donated to Cops & Kids after school tutoring program: books, paper, paper towels, etc.
7. Travel-size toothpaste for sensitivity training activity for children participating in Peace Learning Circles
8. Easter Baskets for children participating in the EASY After School Education program
9. Candy for Trunk and Treat at Roosevelt Elementary School
10. Monetary and clothing donations for Roosevelt family whose house burned down
11. Monetary donations for Maui fire victims
12. Holiday decorations and volunteer time for the holiday give-away at the food pantry four  Thursdays in November
13. Clothing, shoes and coats donated to Thread-By-Thread clothing ministry (free)
14. Furniture donations to Feather-a-Nest program for people recently out of homelessness
15. Monetary donation to Shepherd's College (post-secondary education for special-needs adults)
16. Diaper Drive
17. Monetary donations and grant written for the Racine Public Library


Summary of Chapter Altruistic Report:
Chapter Totals:

  • Individual Monetary Donations:  $7053.00
  • Non-Monetary Donations (value of goods):  $9130.00
  • Volunteer Hours:  $2168.00


  • Altruistic Projects:  $2244.00 value
  • Foundation:  $23.00
  • ITE Fund:  $20.00

Chapter Scholarships (recipients and dollar amounts):

  • Char Harteau $400;
  • Char Harteau $400 (again),
  • Eileen Eickner $500

Chapter ways and means activities:

  • Raffle at Founders' Day 2023
  • Holiday Auction (hosted by Tau and attended by Zeta and Sustaining Members
  • Fall Walk ($10/person)
  • Tau Art Therapy (T.A.T.)  $10/person/session (arts and crafts in a member's art studio)
  • Sale of 25 Pin Badges

Tau delegates and members attending S/P/N Convention:  2 attended
and provided beverages for the Hospitality room

Tau members attending S/P/N Conference Fall, 2023: 9 attended
Regional Conference:  0
International Convention: 0
Members attending other Alpha Delta Kappa meetings:  2
Alpha Delta Kappa Month and Founders’ Day activities:  
In 2022 we had a beautiful Founders' Day Celebration at the Racine Public Library to see its renovations and additions, as well as to hear of new programs and goals from our speaker, the new director.  Zeta and the Sustaining Sisters attended. 

For Founders' Day 2023 we planned a luncheon at the Racine Zoo with Beth Heidorn, the Zoo Director as our speaker, but she had to cancel due to a strong wind-storm and power outages the night before, necessitating closing the Zoo for several days and feeding the animals completely by hand.  She spoke at our May meeting, and we had Judge Kristin Cafferty speak to us for Founders' Day about her educational program for juvenile offenders.  We had made Zoo-themed centerpieces, which we raffled off.

Other information your chapter wishes to include:  
Our Chapter Website has pictures and history going back to 1981, including the beautiful old handmade scrapbooks.  Take a look here.