Saturday, December 10, 2022

December Newsletter Wisconsin AΔK Chapter Highlight: Tau Chapter, Racine

(In lieu of a full Newsletter) 

From Theresa:  WI Tau was chartered on May 6, 1972. Tau sisters enjoyed a wonderful 50th Anniversary Celebration at the Racine Public Library on October 29.

Tau is a chapter that enjoys being creative, having fun, and supporting altruistic projects such as Thread by Thread, the recipient of the 2022 Kathyrn Saunders Grant.

Coasters made by Tau Sisters

On January 18th, Tau will be hosting a Coffee and Connections Open House for interested new members and guests. What a wonderful idea for inviting teachers to join their chapter!

Here's Terri putting sealer on coasters made for the Open House event.


Here are some of the coasters in various stages.

Tau was very proud in November when one of their members, Char Harteau, was the recipient of a $400 AΔK Classroom Grant from AΔK International. Her project was selected for the creativity and innovation in her teaching practices and plan to enhance her classroom lessons.  Char is the Library Media Specialist at Horlick High School, Racine.

If you are interested in learning more about Tau, they have a great website: Chapter President Kim Gloede is the administrator.  If you like what you see, contact Kim- she would love to help other chapters establish their own website!