Thursday, August 19, 2021

A∆K Wisconsin August 2021 Newsletter

 Dear Sisters,

Sadly, summer is on its way out, however, colorful fall is right around the corner.  School will be starting soon, and I want to wish all those working in education a most wonderful, peachy-keen, successful year! I always have mixed feelings about the start of school since I retired.  I miss the “kids” and the people that make a school special. On the other hand,  I really love retirement.  I never thought I'd be so busy when I retired. I had visions of sitting around reading, playing on the computer, gardening, going out to eat, etc. But... I found myself being with family and friends more often and in a more relaxed manner, being more active in church and other organizations, and of course, Alpha Delta Kappa.  This is a great life, even though getting older has its challenges at times. 


I hope your chapter was able to get together this summer.  Our Psi chapter had two outings (thanks to our great summer outing committee). The first was to the Paine Art Center in Oshkosh to view the Shoe Through the Ages exhibit and lunch, and the second outing was to the Butterfly House in Appleton and lunch.  A great time was had!!


October is Founders' Month. There is a great deal of information on the ΑΔΚ International website, ways to celebrate, activities, etc. Check it out! 


Our chapter is planning face-to-face meetings for the coming year.  I certainly hope that we can do so and also that your chapter is able to do so, too.  I would like to attend one of your meetings and look forward to meeting more of my sisters.  Please contact me with details.


Chapter presidents please remind the chapter secretary to send me the minutes of your meetings. Thank you.


Our State Board fall meeting will be held on Saturday, October 9, and I'm hoping that  representatives from each chapter will attend.  We start with coffee and sweet rolls/doughnuts, proceed to the business meeting, take a lunch break (on your own - and I hear that the Nitty Gritty has very good food!), and finish the meeting. We try to finish by early afternoon. For those of you who have not attended a state board meeting, we'd love to see you there! And for those that have, we'd love to see you all again!  I'm looking forward to seeing you all.


We are still in need of a president-elect. This is a wonderful opportunity to serve. Please call/email me or Ann Ainslee, our new NCR IVP with any questions you may have. I'm sure that our immediate past president, Gayle Collins, would also be willing to answer any questions you may have.  If you know of someone that would fill this position, please talk to her and encourage her to serve.


I would like you to share any news, good or not so good, of our sisters and/or chapters in the newsletter.  Just email me the information and I will include it in the newsletter with your permission.


Dates to remember:


9:00 am, Saturday, October 9, 2021- State Board Meeting, Nitty Gritty, Sun Prairie


April 22-23, 2022- State Convention, Wintergreen Resort, Wisconsin Dells


July 17-20, 2022- North Central Regional Conference, Frankenmuth, MI


I wish you all a very happy Labor Day!


Take care and stay safe,

Sonya Stevens

Wisconsin State President