Wednesday, October 20, 2021

A∆K Wisconsin October 2021 Newsletter

Dear Sisters,

Happy Alpha Delta Kappa Month!  October is showing it's beautiful colors.  It's time to clean out the garden and move flowers into the house.

It was great to have my first person-to-person Board meeting as State President. How wonderful it was to see sisters we haven't seen for two years or more!  I feel that we had a very productive Board meeting on October 9. What would have made it even better would have been to have more representation from all chapters. We had a good lunch, good visits, and did good business! I certainly hope that we'll have more sisters join us for the January meeting, at least one or more from each chapter would be great.

Bev Card, IEB Chairman, shared in September 2021 “Bylaws Approved at the 2021 Convention” and I am using some of Beverly Fletcher's notes, Iowa Vice President for Membership. Thank you Beverly.    

New in Alpha Delta Kappa: 

1) Retirees must have been in teaching, administration, or some specialized field of education. 

2) Allows electronic meetings. 

3) States may have co-officers and service meets eligibility for future office. 

4) Chapter membership chairman registers new members online-eliminates application fee.  There are more items, of course, but I wanted to highlight these.

Information has been sent out concerning the Barbara Beetow Fund.  The applications must be a 501(c)(3) organization.  Chapters may submit more than one application. The applications are due December 1st. Contact Bev Lee for more information if needed.

Sue Carey has sent out the Chapter Reporting form for Founders' month activities.  Be sure to record and report your activities. The due date for her to receive your report is November 23.

Arlene Danielson, Psi Chapter, has taken the position of State Candidate Qualifications. Thank you so much, Arlene.

Joanne Loy is continuing to work on the state website. The address is:   Check it out!!

Chapter presidents please remind the secretary to send me the monthly minutes.

I hate to sound like a broken record (some of us know what that means, and it means that we're a tad older) but we still need a State President-Elect. This is a wonderful opportunity to serve your sisters. If you have any questions contact me or Gayle Collins. We would be more than happy to help you in any way that we could.

Again, I'd love to visit your chapter, please contact me.

When you have any news concerning a sister, including yourself, please let me know and I'll put it in the newsletter with permission, of course.

News about our sisters:

Carol Faren's husband Jim passed away.  His funeral was held October 19. Our deepest sympathies go out to Carol.

Dates to remember:


November 1- Excellence in Education nominations due to Marilyn Thompson

November 23- Founders' month report due to Sue Carey

December 1- Barbara Beetow applications due to Bev Lee 



January 22- State Board meeting; bad weather date will be January 29  at the Nitty Gritty, Sun Prairie 

April 22-23   State Convention at the Wintergreen, Wisconsin Dells

July 17-22   North Central Regional Conference in Frankenmuth, MI


Something to ponder:  Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower, Albert Camus