Sunday, April 10, 2022

A∆K Wisconsin April 2022 Newsletter

 Dear ΑΔΚ Sisters,

My oh my, here it is April. I'm ready for some warmer and drier weather so I can get in my flower beds and garden.  Last month I wrote that by the end of April I had hoped to have my flower beds cleaned out (no) and onions and potatoes planted in the garden (not yet). I am so looking forward to getting in the dirt!


The Regional Conference will be held July 17-21 in Frankenmuth, MI.  It looks like it's going to be a great conference.  Our Michigan sisters are collecting mittens for their project and are asking for donations.  I would be happy to deliver any mittens you wish to donate if you don't plan on attending or if someone from your chapter won't be going.  Let's see if we can get lots of mittens to donate! 


Our State Convention will be held Friday, April 22- Saturday, April 23.  Many sisters have been hard at work to make this a most rewarding, informative, business, and yes, fun convention. New officers will be installed by our special guest, Judy Ganzert, Immediate Past International President. We feel honored to have her are looking forward to her visit.


When I began this journey of state president, I wasn't concerned about conducting the meetings as I have been doing that since I was a farm girl in 4-H. I felt that even though I have been a member of ΑΔΚ for over forty years I still did not know enough to be the state president. I was encouraged to be president elect during the Regional Conference in Winnipeg, being promised lots of help (and a red Wisconsin scarf). And I got it, thanks to all my knowledgeable sisters! I have learned so much more about our organization and my learning isn't over yet. This has been an interesting term to say the least. Covid raised it's ugly head and nixed in-person, face-to-face meetings, chapter and state.  Then my health took a nose-dive but after radiation treatment to kill the Trigemial nerve I am pretty much pain free.  Still tire easily, but that's improving, too. One of the big pluses of this “job” was that I got to know more sisters, and made more friends. It has been a very rewarding experience, and thank the good Lord we're back to face-to-face meetings!


I would like to thank all the sisters that have served on the State Board, State committees, to those that have held chapter offices, served on chapter committees, and to all who attended any ΑΔΚ meeting or function. Your time, energy, and work are all so appreciated.


So, this is the last newsletter as State President that I will write. I wish you all the best in your chapters and your life. Let's keep Alpha Delta Kappa going strong!


Dates to remember:  

April 22-23  State Convention- Wintergreen Resort, Wisconsin Dells


July 17-21- North Central Regional Conference, Frankenmuth. MI


Take care and stay safe,

Sonya Stevens

Wisconsin State President