Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Wisconsin A∆K Convention Wintergreen Resort, Wisconsin Dells

On April 26 and 27, 2024, our state convention was held in the Dells, and Delta and Tau were responsible for providing the food and beverages for the hospitality room Friday night.  It was very well-attended.

Here are the incoming and out-going presidents, from left, Joanne Loy, our new Wisconsin president, and Theresa Ness, our immediate past Wisconsin president.

Many things were accomplished, new bylaws approved, many officer reports, and of course elections of new officers.  


Here is Ann Ainslee, our Regional President, presiding over the Installation Ceremony.



She installed each officer one by one.   Joanne Loy is our new Wisconsin ADK President.

Here they all are.

Theresa, our outgoing president, received applause and a very lovely tribute with this special finale. 


You can see by her facial expression she was touched.  We all were.

The table settings were beautiful, 


and the lunch was delicious.

All in all, it defied the old adage about only conFerences being fun.  This convention really was fun, along with the tremendous exchange of lots of great ideas for fundraising and more.

Special thanks to all the sisters across the state who sent the photos they took on our special day.