Friday, May 6, 2022

Wisconsin A∆K Written History 2020-2022

Alpha Delta Kappa
2020-2022 Written History

International, Regional, Wisconsin

International President: Judy Ganzert/Molly Acosta
International Theme and Logo: Pathways of Possibilities/Share the Love


International Executive Board Chairman: Bev Card
International Altruistic Projects: St. Jude, C.H.E.A.R., Alzheimer’s Association
Regional International Vice President: Ann Ainslie
Regional Theme and logo: Step Forward Together

Wisconsin State theme: Travel  Learn  Grow
Wisconsin logo:

Wisconsin State Officers:
President: Sonya Stevens, Psi
President-Elect: Theresa Ness, Zeta
Immediate Past President/State Membership Consultant: Gayle Collins, Zeta
Recording Secretary: Arlene Danielson, Psi
Corresponding Secretary: Alice Kraning, Omicron
Treasurer: Marlea Steiner, Omicron
Historian: Joanne Loy, Psi
Chaplain: Marilyn Thompson, Nu
Sergeant at Arms: Faith Pfeiffer, Zeta
President of the Council of Chapter Presidents: Carol Murray, Nu

Wisconsin Chapters and Chapter Presidents
Delta: Kristin Bauer and Terry Meissen
Fidelis Epsilon: Gail Johnson and Mary Vanna
Gamma Delta: Jennifer Burla
Nu: Mary Rambo
Omicron: Sandra Bestul
Psi: Sonya Stevens
Tau: Karen Sedgwick and Theresa Klaus
Zeta: Theresa Ness

Wisconsin Committee Chairs
AΔK Month: Sue Carey, Nu
Altruistic: Jan Kosower, Nu
Audit/Budget: Jan Hulderson, Psi – Diane Grunloh, Psi – Joanne Loy, Psi
Barbara Beetow Fund: Bev Lee, Sustaining – Elsie Goulding, Sustaining
Bylaws: Ruth Tschanz, Omicron
Candidate Qualifications: Arlene Danielson, Psi
Courtesy/Communication: Carol Faren, Delta
Ernella Hunziker Grant: Mary Rambo, Nu
Excellence in Education: Marilyn Thompson, Nu
Fraternity Education: Melva Tschanz, Omicron
Huff Award: Alice Kranig, Omicron
Memorial: Margaret Oliver, Tau
World Understanding: Nikki Sturino, Zeta
Technology: Joanne Loy, Psi

Host Chapter Grants:
  • Omicron
  • Delta
  • Nu
  • Zeta

Huff Award: Chapter with most points

  • Omicron 2021
  • Nu 2022

Kathryn Saunders Grant: $250 each
  • Faith United Methodist Food Pantry, Fidelis Epsilon
  • Awkward State Drama Club, Gamma Delta
  • Multicultural Outreach, Omicron
  • Grace Welcome Center, Zeta
  • Pier Elementary PTO, Psi

Barbara Beetow Fund:
2021- Each 501c3 organization received $500

  •     Project 1649 Inc., Chi
  •     WI Future Problem Solving Program, Inc. Delta
  •     Harbor House Crisis Shelters, Fidelis Epsilon
  •     Stand in the Light Memory Choir, Inc., Nu
  •     School District of Monroe, Omicron
  •     Care Inc., Psi
  •     Friends of the Center Alliance Ltd., Sustaining
  •     Shoes That Fit-Lake County Chapter, Sustaining
  •     Safe Haven of Racine Inc., Tau
  •     District Council Kenosha St. Vincent de Paul Society, Zeta

2022 - Each 501c3 organization received $1,000

  • WI Future Problem Solving Program, Inc., Delta
  • Madison Public Art Project Inc., Delta
  • Faith United Methodist Church, Fidelis Epsilon
  • Collective Choir, Nu
  • Fowler Memorial Free Dental Clinic, Omicron
  • Blackhawk Vocational Technical District Education Foundation, Omicron
  • Pier Parent Teacher Organization, Psi
  • Mahala’s Hope, Psi
  • Ashland Historical Society Inc., Sustaining
  • Friends of the Center Alliance Ltd., Sustaining
  • Zachariah’s Acres Inc., Sustaining
  • Bethania Lutheran Church – Thread by Thread, Tau
  • ELCA Outreach Center Inc., Zeta
  • Boys and Girls Club of Kenosha, Zeta

Altruistic Projects
Alzheimer’s Association - $2,079.00
WI Alpha Delta Kappa Altruistic Report
                                                                 2021           2022          Total
    Chapter Volunteer Hours                  $8,038      $13,117      $21,155
    Chapter Monetary Donations        $111,043    $132,020    $243,063
    WI State Monetary Donations          $6,200      $15,200      $21,400
Wisconsin State Convention
April 22-23, 2022
Wintergreen Resort and Conference Center
60 Gasser Road
Wisconsin Dells, WI

Friday, April 22, 2022            
        Saturday, April 23, 2022    
4:30 PM Registration             
       7:30-9:00 AM Registration
5:00 PM Hospitality Room     
        8:00-8:45 Council of Presidents Mtg.
7:00 PM Executive Board Mtg.
     9:10-3:00 Convention

Keynote Speaker: Judy Ganzert, Immediate Past International President

Proceeds from Silent Auction: $406.00
    Donated to C.H.E.A.R., International Altruistic Project

Submitted by: Joanne Loy, WI State Historian
Date: May 6, 2022