From Marlea Steiner to our Chapter Treasurers:
I hope you are collecting dues for 2025. Please send your $15 per
member, state dues, to me as soon as you have them all collected. They are due to me by the end of December, 2024. I would appreciate them sooner, along with a list if you have them collected. I usually
suggested by December 1, 2024 so you are done with it before you get
busy with the holiday season.
You will need to send your list and $40 per member to International by
December 31, 2024. The address is on the back of the front cover of the Kappan. It is 1615 W. 92nd Street, Kansas City, MO 64114-3210.
Members can pay their international dues on line if they would like. If
you have questions for International, their phone number is
800-247-2311. They will usually respond within a couple of business days.
There is also an ITE (International Teacher Education) fee of $20 that
all chapters must pay to International. If you have any questions,
please let me know. My new email is My phone numbers are home 608-523-5331 and cell 608-293-5331.
Blessed Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!