
Please Note: Our website is not password-protected, so when you need contact information for any of these members, please visit the International website (, sign in, click on "Members Only," and then scroll down to "Directory."  Thank you.


Wisconsin State Committee Chairs 2024-2026

A∆K Month Chair
     Marilyn Thompson (Nu)
Altruistic Chair
     Julie Iorio (Zeta)
Audit/Budget Chair
Barbara Beetow Fund Co-Chairs
     Bev Lee (Sustaining)
     Elsie Goulding (Sustaining)

Bylaws Chair
     Ruth Tschanz (Omicron)
Candidate Qualifications
     Gayle Collins (Zeta)
Courtesy/Communications Chair
     Carolyn Faren (Delta)
Ernella Hunziker Grant Chair
     Faith Pfeiffer (Zeta)
Excellence in Education Chair
Fraternity Education Chair
     Jan Kosower (Nu)
Membership Chair
     Theresa Ness (Zeta)

Memorial Chair
     Diane Grunloh (Psi)
Technology Chair
     Kim Gloede (Tau)

World Understanding Chair
     Kathy Gierhart (Nu)




 Wisconsin State Committee Chairs 2022-2024

A∆K Month Chair
     Sue Carey (Nu)
Altruistic Chair
     Nikki Sturino (Zeta)
Audit/Budget Chair
     Dorit Bergen (Delta)
Barbara Beetow Fund Co-Chairs
     Bev Lee (Sustaining)
     Elsie Goulding (Sustaining)

Bylaws Chair
     Ruth Tschanz (Omicron)
Courtesy/Communications Chair
     Carolyn Faren (Delta)
Ernella Hunziker Grant Chair
     Faith Pfeiffer (Zeta)
Excellence in Education Chair
     Frances Thurston (Nu)
Fraternity Education Chair
     Jan Kosower (Nu)
Huff Award Chair
     Mary Rambo (Nu)
Memorial Chair
     Diane Grunloh (Psi)
Technology Chair
     Kris Bauer (Delta)

World Understanding Chair
     Julie Iorio (Zeta)