Sunday, February 20, 2022

A∆K Wisconsin February 2022 Newsletter

Dear Sisters,

As February comes to a close we can “see” spring.  It may be several weeks before the ground starts to thaw, but thaw it will, and before you know it we'll be out digging in the dirt.  I am so looking forward to doing that!  It may take me longer to accomplish all that I want to do, but we'll get 'er done!

Plans for our state convention are well underway. Thanks to the chapters that have volunteered to take over the necessary duties/responsibilities. 

The chapter presidents should be receiving the state convention registration form shortly.  This should be filled out and sent in no later than March 15.  Hopefully, we will have a great turnout for this convention. Due to COVID we have not had an in-person convention or conference for the past two years. Let's make this one one to remember and to renew old friendships and make new ones.

An altruistic suggestion: Michigan is collecting mittens for an altruistic project, and will collect them at the North Central Conference in Frankenmuth in July.  If you or your chapter would like to do this, we could deliver the mittens in July either as a group or individually, whatever and however you wish.

If you haven't checked out our state website yet it's fairly easy to access.

1)   Google Alpha Delta Kappa International website

2)   Sign in

3)   Under Quick Links click on ΑΔΚ websites

4)   On right side, click on S/P/N website

5)   North Central, scroll down to WI.  Click

6)   And there you be!!!

Thanks to Joanne Loy for all her hard work setting up the website and updating it.

Information has been sent out for the NC July conference in Frankenmuth, MI.  I hope to see many of you there!  It looks like it will be a wonderful, learning, and fun time.

News about our sisters: 

Joanna Anderson, Psi chapter, passed away unexpectedly on January 31. Her funeral was held on February 11.

Congratulations to our Violet sister Sharon A. Asselin, Nu chapter.

Dates to remember: 

March- Chapter officers named

March 15-  Ernella Hunziker Grant applications due to Mary Rambo

March 15- Chapter Altruistic Report due to State Altruistic Chair Jan Kosower

April 10-  State Convention Registration deadline

April 22-23 State Convention at the Wintergreen Resort, Wisconsin Dells

July 17-21  North Central Regional Conference, Frankenmuth. MI

Take care and stay safe, 
Sonya Stevens
Wisconsin State President 

Something to ponder:  “The sun does not shine for a few trees and flowers, but for the wide world's joy,”   ---Henry Ward Beecher