Sunday, February 27, 2022

Altruistic Project Information


Altruistic Project Information

Wisconsin sisters donated a total of $2,079 dollars to Alzheimer's Association in 2021.  Keep up the great job WI sisters!!!

Our Exciting Project C.H.E.A.R. is in the Works!

A dream came true when the Harambee Foundation was awarded the $50,000 Alpha Delta Kappa International World Understanding Grant for Project C.H.E.A.R (making a) Children's Home (with) Education (and) Agriculture (a) Reality in July of 2021.


Alpha Delta Kappa is an international honorary organization of women educators. Every two years chapters may submit applications to receive this generous grant.  The committee members select the top three proposals and a vote is taken by the entire membership.


Over the next two years, Alpha Delta Kappa Chapters (ADK) will be raising $50,000 to support this project. It will be presented to Joshua Johnston at  ADK's International Convention in July 2023. The money will be used to build dormitories, classrooms, a library/media center, a kitchen, and offices. There will be an area for gardening and fruit trees.  The adjacent property will make a great play area. We have just under an acre of land on which to complete this project.


Harambee  (hä-räm-bā')  All pull together.