Monday, December 6, 2021

A∆K Wisconsin December 2021 Newsletter



Alpha Delta Kappa
Wisconsin Newsletter
December 2021

Dear Sisters,

It appears that we around Fond du Lac will not have a white Christmas this year. But, one can only hope!

Our State Board meeting will be held Saturday, January 22, 2022, at the Nitty Gritty in Sun Prairie. I am hoping that every chapter will be represented at this meeting. We start at 9:00, break for lunch, and finish shortly after. Not only do we conduct business but we usually manage to have a few laughs along the way. The bad weather day is January 29.  I sincerely hope you can make it!

The Regional North Central Conference will be held in Frankenmuth, MI, July 17-21, 2022, at the Bavarian Lodge Inn. You can still make reservations. When you call, 1-855-652-7200, use Group # 12R29J for a better rate. Talk with your sisters about carpooling, and/or ask about it at our January Board meeting.  I understand that the Bavarian Lodge Inn is very family friendly, with lots to do for the children. So, it could be a family vacation!

For most of us, the tree is up and decorated, cookies and candy made, presents bought, wrapped, and under the tree, cards and letters mailed, room decorations done, outside decorations finished, concerts and programs are being enjoyed, stockings are hung, (well in our case, we need to wait until the last minute as we have a naughty pup that just may go looking for candy in someone else's stocking!), and the meal is planned and preparations are being made (our turkey is being brined). I hope I didn't leave anything out!  Now, we need to remember the real reason this is all, or some of it being done, and that is to celebrate the birth of Jesus.  Christians and non-Christians seem to love this time of year, and we also need to remember to share in the love, joy, and peace of this most important event.

News about our sisters:
Congratulations to our Sapphire sisters-Patricia Kaiser, Psi Chapter and Marilyn G. Thompson, Nu Chapter.

Dates to remember:

  • January 22- State Board meeting, 9:00 am. Nitty Gritty Restaurant, Sun Prairie. Bad weather date is January 29.
  • April 22-23- State Convention, Wintergreen Resort, Wisconsin Dells
  • July 17-21- North Central Regional Conference, Frankenmuth, MI

Take care and stay safe,
Sonya Stevens
Wisconsin State President  



Monday, November 15, 2021

A∆K Wisconsin November 2021 Newsletter



Dear Sisters,

 It seems like every month goes faster.  Now we are into the holidays and a very busy time of the year for most folks.  Somehow we all manage to get through this time of year, whether it be very busy or not so busy. We need to remember and reflect on what is good and positive in our lives, and we can all find many things to be thankful for.  For me, I am most thankful for my wonderful family; we're not perfect, but I think we're pretty great!  Then there are my friends, same as my family. I'm also so thankful that I have my “Daily Bread”- a warm/cool home, more than enough to eat, plenty of clothing, good health (with some reservations), an education, our lab Chief, living in America, and of course my ΑΔΚ sisters, and I could go on and on.


Founders' Month in October was celebrated in many different ways in our chapters. Ceremonies, speakers, and luncheons are a few of the ways we celebrated. My Psi sisters and I were invited to attend a Founders' Month luncheon in Kenosha, hosted by Zeta chapter. Two other sisters from Psi, Diane Grunloh and Bev Verch, joined me in traveling to Kenosha.  We had some fun trying to figure out my new navigation system and thank goodness Bev knew how to do the job on her phone.  We had a wonderful time, good food, a great speaker, and we got to see and visit with sisters we knew and sisters we got to meet for the first time.


I would like to thank the chapter secretaries who have been sending me the minutes of their monthly chapter meetings. I find the minutes very interesting and informative of what our chapters and sisters are doing around the state.  The minutes are printed and saved.  Chapter presidents, please remind the chapter secretary to send me the monthly minutes. I do enjoy reading them and have learned so much about our wonderful sisters.


Sisters who have not logged on to the International website in five years will need to update their password.  If you need help I'm sure that someone in your chapter can assist you.


We need a State President-Elect. Please consider stepping up to do this important and fulfilling job. I can honestly say that at the beginning of my term I wasn't so sure about my decision, but now I am glad that I had this opportunity. I have learned so much and got to meet so many sisters that it truly has been a wonderful experience.  There are many more sisters in our state that are as qualified, or more so, than I am. Please, please give this some prayerful consideration.


Again, I would like to visit your chapter whether it be in person, by Zoom, or ??.  Just contact me and I'll be there if at all possible!


The North Central Regional Conference will be here before you know it.  A conference is a great time to meet sisters from all over our region, to learn new things, and to have a great time. Get your reservations in soon!!


Contact me with news of a sister or yourself so I can add it to the newsletter.


News about our sisters:

Our sister Sandi Thiede, Tau Chapter, passed away. Our sympathies to her family, friends, and ΑΔΚsisters.


Get Well wishes to Pat Kaiser, Psi Chapter, who is winning the battle of the Delta virus.


Congratulations to our Silver Sister- Carolyn K. Berg, Nu Chapter.  


Dates to remember:


November 23   Founders' Month report due to Sue Carey

December 1   Barbara Beetow applications due to Bev Lee or Elsie Goulding



January 1  International dues due

January 22  State Board meeting. Bad weather date will be January 29 at the Nitty Gritty Restaurant, Sun Prairie

April 22-23 State Convention at the Wintergreen Resort, Wisconsin Dells

July 17-22 North Central Regional Conference in Frankenmuth, MI


Take care and stay safe,

Sonya Stevens

Wisconsin State President


Something to Ponder:  May your troubles be less and your blessings be more.- Irish Blessing

Thursday, October 21, 2021

A∆K Wisconsin October 2021 Newsletter #2

Dear Sisters,

As you can see this is an addition to my original newsletter. 

Well, my State Board agenda with my notes and the large manila envelope with the Kathryn Saunders applications have decided to play Hide and Seek with me, and they're winning.  I have torn this place apart looking for them and no luck.  Thanks to PP Gayle Collins and Board secretary Arlene Danielson, I have been helped to fill in most of the blanks. 


Committee Reports:

d.  Barbara Beetow Fund- add Elsie Goulding to send applications, ask questions.

h.  Kathryn Saunders Grant- The $400.00 grant was awarded to Gamma Delta, Ironwood Chapter.  Because of the generous donation from Carol Faren the other four applicants will each receive $225.00.  Omicron-Monroe, Zeta-Kenosha, Fidelis Epsilon-Superior, and Psi-Fond du Lac.    Thank you so much Carol!

News about our sisters:

Faith Pfeiffer had shoulder surgery.

Alice Kranig's brother passed away.

Marlea Steiner was is the hospital for several days and had surgery.

I apologize for “losing” my notes. I'm sure that one of these days they'll turn up. I'm not sure if I'll give them a lengthy time out or hug them. The jury is still out.

Take care and stay safe,

Sonya Stevens

Wisconsin State President


Wednesday, October 20, 2021

A∆K Wisconsin October 2021 Newsletter

Dear Sisters,

Happy Alpha Delta Kappa Month!  October is showing it's beautiful colors.  It's time to clean out the garden and move flowers into the house.

It was great to have my first person-to-person Board meeting as State President. How wonderful it was to see sisters we haven't seen for two years or more!  I feel that we had a very productive Board meeting on October 9. What would have made it even better would have been to have more representation from all chapters. We had a good lunch, good visits, and did good business! I certainly hope that we'll have more sisters join us for the January meeting, at least one or more from each chapter would be great.

Bev Card, IEB Chairman, shared in September 2021 “Bylaws Approved at the 2021 Convention” and I am using some of Beverly Fletcher's notes, Iowa Vice President for Membership. Thank you Beverly.    

New in Alpha Delta Kappa: 

1) Retirees must have been in teaching, administration, or some specialized field of education. 

2) Allows electronic meetings. 

3) States may have co-officers and service meets eligibility for future office. 

4) Chapter membership chairman registers new members online-eliminates application fee.  There are more items, of course, but I wanted to highlight these.

Information has been sent out concerning the Barbara Beetow Fund.  The applications must be a 501(c)(3) organization.  Chapters may submit more than one application. The applications are due December 1st. Contact Bev Lee for more information if needed.

Sue Carey has sent out the Chapter Reporting form for Founders' month activities.  Be sure to record and report your activities. The due date for her to receive your report is November 23.

Arlene Danielson, Psi Chapter, has taken the position of State Candidate Qualifications. Thank you so much, Arlene.

Joanne Loy is continuing to work on the state website. The address is:   Check it out!!

Chapter presidents please remind the secretary to send me the monthly minutes.

I hate to sound like a broken record (some of us know what that means, and it means that we're a tad older) but we still need a State President-Elect. This is a wonderful opportunity to serve your sisters. If you have any questions contact me or Gayle Collins. We would be more than happy to help you in any way that we could.

Again, I'd love to visit your chapter, please contact me.

When you have any news concerning a sister, including yourself, please let me know and I'll put it in the newsletter with permission, of course.

News about our sisters:

Carol Faren's husband Jim passed away.  His funeral was held October 19. Our deepest sympathies go out to Carol.

Dates to remember:


November 1- Excellence in Education nominations due to Marilyn Thompson

November 23- Founders' month report due to Sue Carey

December 1- Barbara Beetow applications due to Bev Lee 



January 22- State Board meeting; bad weather date will be January 29  at the Nitty Gritty, Sun Prairie 

April 22-23   State Convention at the Wintergreen, Wisconsin Dells

July 17-22   North Central Regional Conference in Frankenmuth, MI


Something to ponder:  Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower, Albert Camus  

Thursday, September 16, 2021

A∆K Wisconsin September 2021 Newsletter


Dear Sisters,

This week Autumn will officially began.  Just where did Summer go?  I must admit I do like Fall.  The little nip in the air, beautiful fall colors, and the pollen is toast after we get a frost! The last part is wonderful for us allergy sufferers. There are many other wonderful things about Fall, too numerous to mention. And, I am still picking raspberries, not many, but enough to put on my cereal a few times a week!


We are now back to monthly meetings.  It seems so wonderful to actually see and visit with my chapter sisters face to face.  It also seems like we have more input in our meetings. This makes me happy!


Remember that the Kathryn Saunders Grant application is due to me by September 30. I sent out the application form to the chapter presidents some time ago.  If you have any questions or need the form just email me.


I hate to sound like a broken record (I'm showing my age!) but I am not receiving monthly secretary reports from all chapters.  As State President I am to read, record, and save the chapter minutes. Chapter presidents, please remind the chapter secretary to send me the monthly minutes. Thank you.


Saturday, October 9, will be our State Board meeting. The meeting will be held at the Nitty Gritty in Sun Prairie.  We will have coffee and sweet rolls/donuts prior to the start of the 9:00 meeting. Around 11:30 we will order lunch (on your own). After lunch we will finish the meeting. Face masks were required when Jim and I went there last week.  Also, there is parking on the street and there is a parking lot on the side of the building.  You need to walk along a “courtyard” to get to the restaurant's door.  We will have a private room in which to conduct our meeting.  Thanks to Bev Lee for all the time and work she has put into getting us a new meeting place. 


****RSVP to me by Thursday, September 30, with your plan to attend or if you cannot attend.  We'd like a general count so that the restaurant can prepare for us.


We still are in need of a President-elect.  This is a wonderful opportunity to serve your sisters and your state.  If you would want my help, I'd be happy to help you. Please call or email me or Gayle Collins with any questions or letting us know you are willing to step up and be our next president!


I have received a few invitations to attend chapter meetings or ceremonies.  I would like to attend your meeting, whether in person or by Zoom.  Just let me know.


When you have any news concerning a fellow sister, let me know and I'll put it in the Newsletter with their permission, of course.


Next month, October, is Alpha Delta Kappa's Founders' Month.  Let me know what your chapter did to celebrate.


I have been remiss on keeping up to date with sisters' anniversaries. If I missed someone, or have something inaccurate, please let me know.  These anniversaries are for the rest of 2021.

50 years-Golden:

4-1-1971  Mary V. Schroeder- Delta

6-2-1971  Marilyn Reardon- Gamma Delta

35 years-Sapphire:

6-4-1986  Lois Hill- Fidelis Epsilon

9-4-1886  Kathryn M. Czupryoski- Delta

9-4-1986  Karen P, Falkner- Delta

10-16-1986  Rose M. Barry- Zeta

12-4-1986  Patricia Kaiser- Psi

12-8-1986  Marilyn G. Thompson- Nu

25 years-Silver

5-28-1996  Barbara K. Field- Nu

11-11-1996  Carolyn K. Berg- Nu

10 years-Violet

6-7-2011  Lisa R. Hendrickson- Omicron

6-7-2011  Nichole R. Jordan- Omicron

6-7-2011  Phyliss M. Ziegler- Omicron

6-16-2011  Theresa H. Ness- Zeta

9-10-2011  Colleen M. Leyer- Tau

9-26-2011  Kristen Mueller-Semo- Gamma Delta

Congratulations to you all!!


Dates to Remember:

September 30- Kathryn Saunders Grant Applications due

Saturday, October 9, 9:00 am- State Board Meeting, Nitty Gritty, Sun Prairie


April 22-23, 2022- State Convention, Wintergreen Resort, Wisconsin Dells

July 17-26, 2022- North Central Regional Conference, Frankenmuth, MI.


Take care and stay safe,

Sonya Stevens

Wisconsin State President


Monday, August 23, 2021

Website Update

Welcome to the new Wisconsin Alpha Delta Kappa site!  This is a work in progress, so if you have any items you would like posted, please send them to:

Wisconsin Logo 2022-2024

Wisconsin Alpha Delta Kappa Chapters

Delta - Madison       
Fidelis Epsilon - Superior
Gamma Delta - Ironwood, MI        
Nu - Eau Claire
Omicron - Monroe          
Psi - Fond du Lac        
Tau - Racine        
Zeta - Kenosha         

International Logo 2021-2023

Anytime you need to find information from International, go to:

North Central Region Logo 2021-2023

Anytime you need to find information from the North Central Region, 
go to:






Thursday, August 19, 2021

A∆K Wisconsin August 2021 Newsletter

 Dear Sisters,

Sadly, summer is on its way out, however, colorful fall is right around the corner.  School will be starting soon, and I want to wish all those working in education a most wonderful, peachy-keen, successful year! I always have mixed feelings about the start of school since I retired.  I miss the “kids” and the people that make a school special. On the other hand,  I really love retirement.  I never thought I'd be so busy when I retired. I had visions of sitting around reading, playing on the computer, gardening, going out to eat, etc. But... I found myself being with family and friends more often and in a more relaxed manner, being more active in church and other organizations, and of course, Alpha Delta Kappa.  This is a great life, even though getting older has its challenges at times. 


I hope your chapter was able to get together this summer.  Our Psi chapter had two outings (thanks to our great summer outing committee). The first was to the Paine Art Center in Oshkosh to view the Shoe Through the Ages exhibit and lunch, and the second outing was to the Butterfly House in Appleton and lunch.  A great time was had!!


October is Founders' Month. There is a great deal of information on the ΑΔΚ International website, ways to celebrate, activities, etc. Check it out! 


Our chapter is planning face-to-face meetings for the coming year.  I certainly hope that we can do so and also that your chapter is able to do so, too.  I would like to attend one of your meetings and look forward to meeting more of my sisters.  Please contact me with details.


Chapter presidents please remind the chapter secretary to send me the minutes of your meetings. Thank you.


Our State Board fall meeting will be held on Saturday, October 9, and I'm hoping that  representatives from each chapter will attend.  We start with coffee and sweet rolls/doughnuts, proceed to the business meeting, take a lunch break (on your own - and I hear that the Nitty Gritty has very good food!), and finish the meeting. We try to finish by early afternoon. For those of you who have not attended a state board meeting, we'd love to see you there! And for those that have, we'd love to see you all again!  I'm looking forward to seeing you all.


We are still in need of a president-elect. This is a wonderful opportunity to serve. Please call/email me or Ann Ainslee, our new NCR IVP with any questions you may have. I'm sure that our immediate past president, Gayle Collins, would also be willing to answer any questions you may have.  If you know of someone that would fill this position, please talk to her and encourage her to serve.


I would like you to share any news, good or not so good, of our sisters and/or chapters in the newsletter.  Just email me the information and I will include it in the newsletter with your permission.


Dates to remember:


9:00 am, Saturday, October 9, 2021- State Board Meeting, Nitty Gritty, Sun Prairie


April 22-23, 2022- State Convention, Wintergreen Resort, Wisconsin Dells


July 17-20, 2022- North Central Regional Conference, Frankenmuth, MI


I wish you all a very happy Labor Day!


Take care and stay safe,

Sonya Stevens

Wisconsin State President

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Map of Wisconsin A∆K Chapters

The artist and geographer of this fine Map of Wisconsin A∆K Chapters did a fine job, and deserves to be commended, whoever she is. (If you know, please email the Historian or Tech Chair to add that detail.)

Friday, April 30, 2021

FUN Fundraising Idea!!

This fundraising idea came from Delta in the midst of the pandemic... HOW CREATIVE!

“Delta Semi-Silent Auction”
Fund Raiser for the General Fund

Here is how it will run:
We will be preparing “baskets” of generous donations at three different price levels.  

Bag of Goodies $25   

        Items included:

  • Cookies
  • Chex Mix, Puppy Chow or Spiced Nuts
  • Homemade Cards
  • A ‘mystery’ item


Box of Goodies    $30

Items included:

  • Granola or Quick Bread
  • Chex Mix, Puppy Chow or Spiced Nuts
  • Homemade Cards
  • Homemade Dessert Bars
  • A ‘mystery’ item


Basket of Goodies  $50

 Items included:

  • Cookies 
  • Homemade Caramels
  • Homemade Cards
  • Wine or Sparkling Juice
  • Baked Goods
  • Homemade Raspberry Jam
  • A ‘mystery’ item

Another Option:

If you prefer, you could make a monetary donation.
If making a monetary donation, you may write a check to Delta and mail it to Mary Connor.


An Add-on Option:
A chance to win The Traveling Bucket of Goodies!  $5/Chance

With your purchase of one of the Goodie Containers or a monetary donation you will be allowed to ‘buy’ a a chance to win the 'Traveling Bucket of Goodies.' You may purchase one chance or as many as you want!

The cost of each chance will be $5.  The bucket contents are valued at $100.

The winner will be chosen the day before we deliver your items.

How to purchase any of the items:
1. Email Kelly or Annette.  Let us know which item you want to purchase.  We will confirm with you that we received your order by calling you.

2. If you are wanting a chance or chances to win The Traveling Bucket of Goodies, tell us how many chances you are buying and we will pick up the money or check on our delivery date.

3. If making a monetary donation, you may write a check to Delta and mail it to Mary Connor.